Wednesday, April 4, 2012


 Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' Oh my god! The waves are perfect! The swell is head high, the wind is off shore, we're the only two people out, the ocean is hot, the waves are endless! 'Groan!' Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' As soon as we paddle back out there is always another wave right there for us! 'Groan!' Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' Unbelievable, neither of us has even fallen once. Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' Rachael's cut back looks amazing! 'Groan!' Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' Just did the nicest floater of my life! Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' What the hell is that obnoxious 'Groaning' noise? Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' The water is so clear we can see all sorts of fish , turtles and colorful coral under us. Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' Shoot, the wind is just starting to pick up. 'Groan!' Nice drop in Rachael! Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' I never knew waves even got this good. This is the best I've ever surfed in my life! The wind is getting really strong, yet some how the waves are still perfect! Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' I love surfing! PR is amazing! We're moving here! 'Groan!' That 'Groaning ' sound is starting to get on my nerves! Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!' Shit, the wind is approaching gail force yet the waves continue! Weeeeee!
 'Swosh'. A gust of wind blows the curtains back and light streams onto my face. Hu? What on earth is a curtain doing out here in the surf with us? Hold on, why am i horizontical?
 O wouzers! I'm in bed, that was a dream. Damn!
 Smack, 'Groan!' Woops! Paddeling to catch these perfect dream waves my arms have been flailing around whacking into the nearby wiffie. It is she that has been emitting those 'Groaning' sounds every time she's hit, though oddly she doesn't seem to have woken up.
 Once it sneaks into your subconscious it is a part of you, you are a part of it!
 I am surfing, surfing is me!
 'This is it', i thought as i drifted off to sleep, 'life doesn't get any better!'
 Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave, Wave! 'Groan!'

 Love Mantis and Mango!

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