Monday, February 15, 2010

We don't get to the internet everyday so i've sent 2 at once, maybe save this one for tomorrow, :)

Day 7 Since leaving Bangkok on the bikes.

Finally the wip crackin Wiffie of mine has let us take a rest day, fewwww!!!!!  We seriously needed it.  The cycling itself is going great but jumping on the bikes afger not having been on them in three months was starting to take its toll.  Not so much on our legs, though most mornings it feels as though someone has replaced my pencil stick legs with hunks of lead, the issue is more with our asses!  Something to do with the combination of sitting on bike seets 6 hours a day, the extreme heat, bike shorts, sunblock and gallons of sweat has turned my bum into what looks kind of like an adolescent teenagers pimple covered face, minus the nose, eyes and mouth of course.  I won't speak for my wifes bum as she surely would not approve but it does happed to look strangly similar to mine.  Not as in that riding bicycles in Thailnad has somehow mysteriously give us identical twin matching ass, that would be disconcerning indeed, i mean as in the red and irrated aspect.  (Don't tell her i wrote this).  Aside from the absurd ass aspect of this ardious adventure everything is going outstanding!  
Every break we take, after first fainting from exhaustion of course, we comment on how we wish everyone we know was here with us.  Cycling is truly a remarkable way to explore a country and culture.  It takes a bit of getting used to being pretty much lost al day and never really knowing if we are going to find a place to stay or if we are going to have to ride all night but after you get over that it is awesome.  It almost feels like less effort then if we did try to plan everything in advance.  Somehow it's as if we have a sign hanging over us exclaming, "Hello! I'm lost, please help me!"  As soon as we pull over and can't figure out where we are, even if on a diserted road, some one always pulls up on a motorbike exclaming, "hello, where you go?" Dispite this being there only 4 words in english and us only knowing how to say hello, thank you and count to 100 in Thai, we just mime putting our heads on pillows, or eating lunch or swimming and they point us in the right direction.  It is great!!
Micah and Wiffie

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