Wednesday, March 26, 2008

photos in toe‏

hum...well, that last story about us motorbiking in the city, i had the rest of it written and was planning on sending it now but ha, poof it seems ot have disapeared.  Not to worry, the motorbike did break down and cause some trouble but we lived through it.
Any who that was a while ago.  Right now Rachael and I are on one of probably our coooolest adventures ever.  In Hanio, Vietnam along with two friends we rented little 125cc honda motorcycles and headed north into the mts.  Absolutly amazing!!  The roads just wind up and over mountain passes and through the greenest valleys imaginable.  We've been staying in little towns where no one speaks even one word of enghish and so we are mastering our mima-sations.  Even though it seems like it should be easy we are finding one of the most difficult things is to find food.  There are resturants in every town but they arn't always marked and menus dont exist so we keep ending up with double deep fried whole minoes (little fish), bones head and all they are actually tastier then one would imagine.
Yesterday we drove up and over one of the most incrediable passes, with out exaduration i would guess that just on the way up the mountain there were 100 switchbacks, and the pavement was quite good!  The motorbike driving was so fun i was actually laughing most of the time.
I wanted to end with another to be continued...but i can't think of any. so instead i'll atach some fun photos.
love micah and Rachael

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