Monday, March 15, 2010

Testing testing....‏

Hello Awesome!
Sorry if we got anyone worried with the long time no speakie.  But here we are still kicking the endless roads assing-HAM.

Pssss, Crhhh, Ggggssstt, errrttt, aaahhh, ppcccttt...the sounds coming forth could have been that of a yet undiscovered creature or they could have just as easily been that of a dying vacuum cleaner puffing it last breath of life...but inface they were neither...
Eyeballs bulging, eardrums stretched as if in the vacuum of space, snot mucous and saliva off gassing out my nasel cavity, veins bulging and purple faced i was obviously testing the limit; unsure if i would succeed i pushed harder...

How do you pack for a 2500km bicycling adventure in the tropics?  Good question, we'd been asking ourselves the very same thing up until the moment we left NH.  Shoes?  Pants? A rain suit?  How much sun block?  Is there malaria over there, should we bring 100 percent deet or just 50 percent?  If shoes, then how many socks?  What did we need for tools?  Basically there wasn't much we were sure about except that we wanted to take the absolute bare minimum as we'd be lugging everything that did land in the 'yes' pile for a long way.

There was one thing i was sure of though, i'd bring something to entertain the local kids.  Because if this experience was to be anything like motorcycle along the Vietnam/China boarder, as we'd done a couple year ago, where every town we stop in there was a plethora of curious little kids, then i needed to be prepared to make them laugh; micah style that is.  And what better way then with a pouch full of puppies, mice, swords and hats...
animal balloon puppies, mice, swords and hats that is!  I'd bring a stash of balloons from home, 'there won't be a kid in Thailand who doesn't love me' i surmised.  

Only...things were different, we were on cycles not motorcycles for one and couldn't just stop in every town we rode through or we'd never get anywhere, and on top of that the towns we did stop in all the local kids were realy friendly, screaming 'hellllllooooooo!!!!!!!!!' at the very top of their shreiking voices and waving histarically but none of them actually came running over to great us.  We weren't quite the novelty we'd been in Vietnam.

For these reasons the animal balloons quickly fell to the bottom of my panniers and were soon forgotten. That was until after a particularly tough day when I'd resolved to lighten my load by ditching anything that wasn't 100% necessary.  Shirts, bungy cord, lock, backpack, underpants...then staring up at me from the bottom of my panty-ear was the forgotten bag of balloons.  Initially then were lobbed into the discard pile.  But then while packing to leave the next morning at 6 i just couldn't see them abandoned like that, i hadn't even tried then out yet, hadn't blown up a single one.  So back into the sack then went with the resolve to blow one up for a little kid today or ditch them that evening for good.  

120 sweaty km's into the day we found ourselves purchasing a 3kg, 75c juicy watermellon from a cheerful lady at a stall on the side of the road.  Out of the closest hut i could see a small child wathing us...'ooo, this could be my chance', i thought.  Over she trotted and into the sack my hand went.  Red, blue orange? What color should i choose? Pink? yes Pink, girls love pink, right?  I gave her a little wink as i pressed the balloon to my lips.  

Deep breath, cheeks puffed tight, edges of balloon held taught.  Blowing up an animal balloon is tough yeah, in fact I've never met anyone other then clowns who can do it, but i'd been at it since 5th grade, didn't for-see any issues.  

Pssss, Crhhh, Ggggssstt, errrttt, aaahhh, ppcccttt.....................................

I'm pretty sure any normal sane person would have, after nearly exploding their lungs, realized it wasn't just their quivering legs that were tired, their whole system was exhausted, that there just wasn't enough energy left to blow up an animal balloon.  But of course i pride myself in not being know as normal or sane, and besides the little girls was there watching, so after nearly bursting a blood vessel in my brain i got the thing half inflated, wiped it into a hat and presented it to the expecting child...

What?!  Come on!  You are a little girl, and for god sakes this thing is pink!  All little children love animal balloons, what the hell is wrong with you??

Despite my poo eating clown grin she didn't display the slightest interest in my near brain aneurysm inducing balloon hat...

"Fing-HAM that!" i though, "these balloons are landfill bound!"


Love US

reply's of any sort are greatly appreciated! 

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