One might think that we arn't even really riding our bicycles at all with the number of emails i have sent this week, i assure you we are, riding riding riding.
Before i forget; Thank you very much to everyone who has written back to any of our stories!!! It makes taking the time to write and type them worth it.
Responces that made me laugh the most to the balloon email:
:That was a gallant offer and effort on your part to present a thoughtful gift to this ingrit (not really a word) who apparently had no aesthetic appreciation for the loony Americanized - Walt Disney – imagination. You should have kicked her or thrown a snake at her for crying out loud.
:don't let those kids scare you or get you down, you'll find something that will blow their sockless feet off.
Fate would have it that Rachael and i are on a small island off the coast of Malaysia and at the very same time, hence fate being involved, our friend Will(who you may remember from the infamous Will and Rhian duo, they featured promently in our last asia trip jumping photos) is passing by on the main land. Catching wind or our where abouts he pops over for a reunion.
In keeping with tradition we must do something overly adventurous, something different that everyone else is not doing. First we plan to kayak around the island, as it isn't supposed to be to big. But we notice there are already other people doing it, there are even a couple of gays holding their paddles backwards and they have managed to make it around. Paddling around the island is out.
I get this idea, the ocean is crystal clear, coral and fish abound, we've beeing doing lots of snorkeling already, 'why not swim around the island or at least half of it', i propose. 'No! Dumb idea! To far! Sounds dangerous!' come the responces. Ok ok, it was just an idea. But with out realizing it the seed was planted and by morning both Will and Rachael are in, 'yes, yes, swimming aound the island, what a lovely idea, no time to waste.' And so with out further thought we are in the water kicking.
And cruze we did, it was the first time any of us had rented fins on the trip and we felt like professional swimmers, the section we'd snorkeled the day before we did in a fraction of the time. Plus the snorkeling itself was quite remarkable, tons of coral and tropical reef fish of all colors, shapes and sizes; we were having a great time. We even passed a school of 10 or so Napeleon fish, each about 1/3 the size of us with disturblingly human like teeth plus high protruding forheads that looked as though they'd been repeatly smashed with a baseball bat. Apparently who ever name these fish had quite a dislike for Napoleon as they were with out a doubt the drop dead ugliest fish i've ever seen.
Bay after bay, beach after beach, soaking up the sun and salt we took breaks when we got tired and swam hard the rest of the time.
Sharggg! Sharggg! Sharggg! Sharggg! Rachael tooted out her snorkel for the 4th time that morning, comming as quickly as our legs would propell us we always seemed to show up juast a moment to late. Rachael and spotted 4 small black tipped reef sharks and somehow Will and i had managed to miss seeing all of them. Finally on the 5thSharggg! we saw him, he was cute, just like a big bad mama shark, only little, about 3 feet long and said to be completly harmless unless seriously threatened, hence we were keeping our distance. (Of course this story involves sharks)
3 hours on we were still on the same side of the island we'd started on, that's when we started to guess that the hand scetched maps we seen probably wern't that accurate. Hungry for lunch we sway up to the first nake couple we came to, apparently we were on what was aptly named Adam and Eve beach, 'o yes, an easy 10minute wask and you'll find yourlef on the other side at a nice little resturant.' Plans were promply adjusted and we were off on foot. A mango smoothy, chicken fried rice and ginger fried noodle washed down with a scavenged coconut off the beach we were back in the water kicking.
With about another 3 hours to get back we figured there would be just enough time before the sun dropped behind the mountains, not that it would get dark only we'd be left in the mountains shadow and no ones likes to swim with sharks no matter how small with shadows lurking about.
Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, we were making good time and still having fun. Feeding the fish with the left over coconut we'd pocketed. With an underwater camera i could have made quite the funny video clip. At first we'd just break pieces of the coconut off and throw them up ahead to watch the fish nibble as the chunks sank. Then we came up with the idea to chew up a big bit of coconut, swim down a ways, spew the bits out everywhere and in so induce a feeding frenzy. Basically it just looked like we were vomiting underwater and the fish were devouring our puke. 100%mature i assure you.
Of course we were having to much fun to notice how fast the sun was actually moving and abruptly we were, like we'd planned not to be, swimming in the shadows.
How many sharks is cool? Most people would probably answer zero and so would i but with the little guys seeing a couple at a time is still cool. Until a couple becomes 5 then 10 then 20 then 30, chuck in a couple dozen ugly Napeolon fish, realize all the sharks are doing big circles around you and you've got some fast moving snorkelers. Actually i didn't even know i could swim that fast.
After passing over a shallow shelf which immediatly dropped of far enough for us all to get vertigo, (didn't realize that could happen in the water but i can) we all spotted a little shark who wasn't quite so little as his budies, maybe only 5 feet long but that was the final straw. We all dragged ourselves out of the sea pretty damn quick! Walking the rest of the way back until we reached a sand bottom sunny section again.
The day was unamously declared a success, an adventure was had and everyone was still safe.
Love US!
Before i forget; Thank you very much to everyone who has written back to any of our stories!!! It makes taking the time to write and type them worth it.
Responces that made me laugh the most to the balloon email:
:That was a gallant offer and effort on your part to present a thoughtful gift to this ingrit (not really a word) who apparently had no aesthetic appreciation for the loony Americanized - Walt Disney – imagination. You should have kicked her or thrown a snake at her for crying out loud.
:don't let those kids scare you or get you down, you'll find something that will blow their sockless feet off.
Fate would have it that Rachael and i are on a small island off the coast of Malaysia and at the very same time, hence fate being involved, our friend Will(who you may remember from the infamous Will and Rhian duo, they featured promently in our last asia trip jumping photos) is passing by on the main land. Catching wind or our where abouts he pops over for a reunion.
In keeping with tradition we must do something overly adventurous, something different that everyone else is not doing. First we plan to kayak around the island, as it isn't supposed to be to big. But we notice there are already other people doing it, there are even a couple of gays holding their paddles backwards and they have managed to make it around. Paddling around the island is out.
I get this idea, the ocean is crystal clear, coral and fish abound, we've beeing doing lots of snorkeling already, 'why not swim around the island or at least half of it', i propose. 'No! Dumb idea! To far! Sounds dangerous!' come the responces. Ok ok, it was just an idea. But with out realizing it the seed was planted and by morning both Will and Rachael are in, 'yes, yes, swimming aound the island, what a lovely idea, no time to waste.' And so with out further thought we are in the water kicking.
And cruze we did, it was the first time any of us had rented fins on the trip and we felt like professional swimmers, the section we'd snorkeled the day before we did in a fraction of the time. Plus the snorkeling itself was quite remarkable, tons of coral and tropical reef fish of all colors, shapes and sizes; we were having a great time. We even passed a school of 10 or so Napeleon fish, each about 1/3 the size of us with disturblingly human like teeth plus high protruding forheads that looked as though they'd been repeatly smashed with a baseball bat. Apparently who ever name these fish had quite a dislike for Napoleon as they were with out a doubt the drop dead ugliest fish i've ever seen.
Bay after bay, beach after beach, soaking up the sun and salt we took breaks when we got tired and swam hard the rest of the time.
Sharggg! Sharggg! Sharggg! Sharggg! Rachael tooted out her snorkel for the 4th time that morning, comming as quickly as our legs would propell us we always seemed to show up juast a moment to late. Rachael and spotted 4 small black tipped reef sharks and somehow Will and i had managed to miss seeing all of them. Finally on the 5thSharggg! we saw him, he was cute, just like a big bad mama shark, only little, about 3 feet long and said to be completly harmless unless seriously threatened, hence we were keeping our distance. (Of course this story involves sharks)
3 hours on we were still on the same side of the island we'd started on, that's when we started to guess that the hand scetched maps we seen probably wern't that accurate. Hungry for lunch we sway up to the first nake couple we came to, apparently we were on what was aptly named Adam and Eve beach, 'o yes, an easy 10minute wask and you'll find yourlef on the other side at a nice little resturant.' Plans were promply adjusted and we were off on foot. A mango smoothy, chicken fried rice and ginger fried noodle washed down with a scavenged coconut off the beach we were back in the water kicking.
With about another 3 hours to get back we figured there would be just enough time before the sun dropped behind the mountains, not that it would get dark only we'd be left in the mountains shadow and no ones likes to swim with sharks no matter how small with shadows lurking about.
Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, we were making good time and still having fun. Feeding the fish with the left over coconut we'd pocketed. With an underwater camera i could have made quite the funny video clip. At first we'd just break pieces of the coconut off and throw them up ahead to watch the fish nibble as the chunks sank. Then we came up with the idea to chew up a big bit of coconut, swim down a ways, spew the bits out everywhere and in so induce a feeding frenzy. Basically it just looked like we were vomiting underwater and the fish were devouring our puke. 100%mature i assure you.
Of course we were having to much fun to notice how fast the sun was actually moving and abruptly we were, like we'd planned not to be, swimming in the shadows.
How many sharks is cool? Most people would probably answer zero and so would i but with the little guys seeing a couple at a time is still cool. Until a couple becomes 5 then 10 then 20 then 30, chuck in a couple dozen ugly Napeolon fish, realize all the sharks are doing big circles around you and you've got some fast moving snorkelers. Actually i didn't even know i could swim that fast.
After passing over a shallow shelf which immediatly dropped of far enough for us all to get vertigo, (didn't realize that could happen in the water but i can) we all spotted a little shark who wasn't quite so little as his budies, maybe only 5 feet long but that was the final straw. We all dragged ourselves out of the sea pretty damn quick! Walking the rest of the way back until we reached a sand bottom sunny section again.
The day was unamously declared a success, an adventure was had and everyone was still safe.
Love US!
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