Monday, February 15, 2010

Day Three on the bikes, Not Run over by a Truck‏

Feb 6th, 2010, 3rd day on bikes
Hum?  So far i havn't been run over, mamedm had diharea, vomited, been stung, mugged, stabbed, or even had a flat tire, yet i feel like putting pencil to paper...what else could i write about...emotions?  doesnt sound like me does it, let have a go.
How many emotions can you have in one day on a bicycle?  I'm not sure lets find out....
Wake up on the 5th day of our trip, 3rd day on the bikes.  First decent nights sleep we've had since leaving home, didn't even have to wear ear plugs, a first of the trip.  It's 5:30am, still dark, excited to get started before the heat becomes oppressive, i'm feeling great (1).  Discover that during the night aints have infested our food bag so we throw it all away, rather annoied at the possibility of having canned tuna for breakfast (2).  In the saddle at 6:30am and the sun is already up, a little pissed as we really wanted to get some km's under our belt before the heat became opressive (3).  Find some mangos and museli, stoked we're not going to be eating my least favorite breakfast, tuna (4).  Ride the first 5km along the beach with zero traphic, stoked again, this is going to be a fantastic day (5).  Km6 brings us to the freeway, divided with 2 lanes in each direction, still there is a massive shoulder and the traphic is very tolerent, giving lots of space, plus lots of people smile and wave, ambivolent really (6).  Km50 still on the freeway, nearly sweating to death, dead flat, havn't shifted gears once, and there is a headwind, i am F-ingHAM pissed off, ready to give up, what in the F-ingHAM are we doing here, Thailand Sucks! Seriously ready to hop on a train (7).  Stop for a cold sprite, shop is closed, stop for an iced coffee, same story, now i'm even more pissed then i was, just about to give up (8).  Try again for a Sprite, end up with a huge plat of chicken, sticky rice, veggies, a bowl of ice and the friendlyiest people on earth, this definatley takes the edge off, though i'm not stoked (9).  Discover a side rode that just might potentially get us off the freeway, or it might dead end meaning we'll have to turn around and retrace our steps, doing an extra 30km and putting us right back on the highway exhausted, i'm nervious (10).  The road is beautiful, there are some minor elevation changes, a first, pinaple plantations in the forground and limestone peaks in the distance, scared to enjoy it, (11).  The road pans out and we find a coffee shop with delicious iced coffee, i'm getting back in the groove (12).  The road continues to be quiet and beautiful, ok i'm happy again (13).  Pop out onto the coast and the beach is absolutly georgous!  Island surround, find a bungaloo with ac and a king sized bed for 20 bucks, Now i know why we are here (14).
Fourteen i guess.
Micah and Wiffie

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